Click on these links for a "hot lap" of the TZ350 and 250 Website:
This section of the TZ350 and 250 Website is set aside for stories and
articles written about our motorcycling experiences.
Some were written by professional journalists and are published here with their permission (where they also hold copyright, as well as if we have been able to actually locate them to ask permission), and others are by average guys like the rest of us.
Picture: J-Pierre Plouvel on his TZ250 H at Le Vigeant in France, 2007 competing in the French Championships.
If you've just had a great day's racing, or finished restoring a bike, or have a funny anecdote about the process you went through to get hold of your bike, whatever, why not document it and have it posted here for all the world to see?
Submissions to this section are most welcome, just Email the Webmaster with your story and a few photos if possible and fame (but not fortune) will be yours!!
Click on the links below to access the stories.
Race bike test articles:
1. OW48R, Piston Port Prowess (by Alan Cathcart)
2. Kenny Roberts: "That was the Good One" (by Alan Cathcart)
3. Kenny Roberts’ 1980 YAMAHA OW48R RACER TEST: Father and Son (by Alan Cathcart)
General Motorcycle experience and restoration stories:
1. Alpine Oddysey (by Greg Bennett)
2. The Rebirth of TZ750B No. 000316 (by Kerry Wilton)
3. The Rebirth of TZ750B No. 000316 (by Alistair Wilton)
4. George Taylor's 2000 Daytona victory (George Taylor)
5. Where Angels Fear to Tread: Riding a TZ350 for the first time (Cook Neilson)
6. Alistair's bikes ( Alistair Wilton)
7. George Taylor's Barber Raceway race report, Sept. 2003.
8. George Taylor's 2004 Daytona victory (George Taylor)
9. Coeno van Houten's Spa 2005 Classic Meeting report.
10. "Meeting the Monster" TZ750 experience from Motorcyclist magazine. **NEW**
Historical Articles.
03/23/08 08:26 AM +1000
This website © Greg Bennett 2002.